My Studio

Hopefully once in a lifetime, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything. The work that I do, which is primarily working with humans especially in large groups lends itself to best working together in person with them. Colloboration, teaching, facilitating and coaching are infinitely more simple, participation for participants are easier and more learning is achieved in direct form. There is no substitute for that.

However, we live and learn and make the best of the situation, so over the last several months have set up my studio environment to be as effective a tool to do my work from here (on and through the internet) and continue to improve and evolve the practice of delivery in this form.

  • Required multiple monitor and multi computers to drive work. Supported by iPad Pro with Apple pencil for drawing driven conversations.
  • Use of multitude of communication tools including Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and others – Break out groups and break out rooms for distributed discussions in smaller sub-groups
  • Integration with video streaming systems for larger meetings – YouTube Live, Facebook Live and Twitch
  • White-boarding and group work tools like Miro, Mural, MS Whiteboard, etc.
  • Collaborative document sharing tools like Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides
  • Job specific work tools like Trello, Todoist, Toggl, Jira Cloud
  • Variety of tools for retrospectives and Lean Coffee style conversations depending on the number of participants and context
  • Social support tools like Meetup, Eventbrite and other cloud based calendaring and booking software

I am all set to assist whether it is online or in-person. What do you want help with?

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